terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2012

Seminar Rights of Victims: a step forward | Lisbon, 27th & 28th of September

Seminar Rights of Victims: a step forward | Lisbon, 27th & 28th of September


Every year, 75 million fall victims to crime in the European Union (EU). Roughly 15% of the EU’s population is yearly the direct victim of serious criminality.
By themselves these numbers should set victims’ needs as a priority to EU’s and Member States policies. The most recent EU legislation mirrors this perspective. Will the Member States respond accordingly? And what new challenges arise for national agencies and organizations? What are the cross-cutting issues at stake? All in all, what do these victims really need?
The Seminar Victims’ Rights: a step forward attempts to answer all these questions and more. It is especially aimed at judicial practitioners, police officers and victim support workers.
On the first day of the event, shifts and new challenges coming from the recently approved EU Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime will be discussed. Also challenges arising as from other relevant legislation, namely police and judicial cooperation.
The second day will focus on sharing best practices and debating cross cutting issues in terms of victims’ rights and support, for instance the relationship between victim support and data protection.
From a fantastic list of invited speakers, we highlight:
· David McKenna | President of Victim Support Europe
· Joana Marques Vidal | President of APAV
· Viviane Reding | Vice-President of the European Commission
· Justice Sweeney | High Court Judge, United Kingdom
· Slawomir Buczma | Ministry of Justice, Poland
· Joana Gomes Ferreira | Prosecutor, EJN contact point
· Jean Dominique Nollet | EUROPOL
· Antony Pemberton | Tilburg University, the Netherlands
· Katarzyna Cuadrat-Grzybowska| European Data Protection Supervisor
· Miguel Carmona Ruano | European Network of Councils for the Judiciary
· Joana Goodey | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
· Javed Khan | Chief Executive of Victim Support England & Wales

Following this milestone Seminar, there will be Victim Support Europe’s (VSE) Annual General Meeting. This event will be held on the same venue of the Seminar and is scheduled for the morning of the 29th of September, starting at 9:30 AM and with an estimated duration of approximately 3 hours. The agenda is being developed and will soon be shared with you by Hélène Heinrichs, VSE’s administrative assistant.
For more information and registration:

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