sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011


Caiu o último bastião europeu dos resistentes à vigilância electrónica

Caiu o último bastião europeu dos resistentes à vigilância electrónica – a realidadeeconómica e criminal impôs-se.

Alemanha tem apenas um programa experimental desde há vários anos no estado de Hesse, que tem grandes afinidades com o programa português. Esta semelhança é curiosa pois nunca houve contactos entre os dois países, isto é, cada um fez o seu caminho por si mesmo mas chegando a conclusões e modos de agir muito idênticos.

Quando vimos a apresentação alemã na última Conferência europeia sobre VE da CEP (Évora, Mai2011) o que dissemos entre nós é que alguns dos slides podiam ter sido feitos por nós e que a linha de raciocínio e as preocupações eram muito próximas das nossas. Por seu lado, os alemães, ao verem a nossa experiência, tiveram a mesma reacção.

Em anexo, seguem as duas exposições.

1 World

Justice on the Cheap: Germany Opts for Electronic Ankle Monitors to Cut Jail Costs

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German judges now have the option of replacing jail sentences with electronic monitoring through ankle bracelets

Patrick Bernard / Abaca / Newscom
This post is in partnership with Worldcrunch, a new global-news site that translates stories of note in foreign languages into English. The article below was originally published inSüddeutsche Zeitung.
Ever more cash-strapped German states are busy keeping local criminals from serving prison sentences. Local justice officials are signing up for a centrally run electronic-ankle-bracelet program as a way to save the cost of keeping criminals in jail.
Since Jan. 1, 2011, sentencing judges in Germany have a third option besides a fine or jail time: electronic monitoring — an ankle bracelet that may be ordered for those who stand accused, have been convicted or are still considered dangerous after serving a jail sentence. (See photos of the Berlin Wall before the fall.)
Five of the 16 German states — Bavaria, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern — have already signed up for the program, and others are set to follow. The central monitoring station is located in Bad Vilbel (a town in Hesse) and will be up and running fully on Jan. 1, 2012.
Hesse was the first state to experiment as early as 10 years ago with the use of the monitoring bracelet. Baden-Württemberg followed suit in an attempt to lower costs: keeping someone housed in jail costs over $400,000 a year, compared with about $10,000 for monitoring someone wearing a bracelet.
According to the Bavarian justice department, there is also an economy of scale to consider: the more prisoners there are wearing the bracelets, the cheaper the cost. The company that makes the bracelets estimates the cost for the package at about $3,400 per person per year. (Read about how Germany became the China of Europe.)
Electronic ankle bracelets are already used in other European countries, such as Sweden, Spain and the U.K. In the U.K. alone they are used to monitor 60,000 people. Some 100,000 are monitored with the bracelets in the U.S.
The bracelets received considerable publicity when film director Roman Polanski was ordered by a Swiss court in 2009 to wear one while under house arrest in Gstaad, and more recently when a New York City court ordered former International Monetary Fund director Dominique Strauss-Kahn to wear one.


Low-Budget Justice: Germany Opts For Electronic Ankle Monitors To Cut Jail Costs

In order to reduce costs, German judges can now replace jail sentences with electronic monitoring: an ankle bracelet for those who otherwise would be locked up. Five of the 16 German states have signed up, with others to follow.
A prison in Frankfurt by: admin A prison in Frankfurt

Worldcrunch NEWSBITES
Ever more cash-strapped German states are busy keeping local criminals from serving prison sentences. The local justice officials are signing up for a centrally-run electronic ankle bracelet program as a way to save the cost of keeping them in jail.

Since Jan. 1, 2011, sentencing judges in Germany have a third option, besides a fine or jail time: electronic monitoring – an ankle bracelet that may be ordered for those who stand accused, have been convicted, or are still considered dangerous after serving a jail sentence.

Five of the 16 German states -- Bayern, Hessen, Baden-Württemberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – have already signed up for the program, and others are set to follow. The central monitoring station is located in Bad Vilbel (Hessen) and will be up and running fully on Jan. 1, 2012.

Hessen was the first state to experiment as early as 10 years ago with the use of the monitoring bracelet. Baden-Württemberg followed suit in an attempt to lower costs: keeping someone housed in jail costs 300,000 euros a year, compared to 7,500 euros for monitoring someone wearing a bracelet.

According to the Bavarian justice department, there is also an economy of scale to consider: the more prisoners wearing the bracelets the cheaper the cost. The company that makes the bracelets estimates the cost for the package at 2,500 euros per person per year.

Electronic ankle bracelets are already use in other European countries, such as Sweden, Spain, and the UK. In the UK alone, they are used to monitor 60,000 people. Some 100,000 are monitored with the bracelets in the United States.

The bracelets received considerable publicity when film director Roman Polanski was ordered by a Swiss court in 2009 to wear one while under house arrest in Gstaad, and more recently when a New York court ordered one to be worn by former International Monetary Fund director Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

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