terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2009

ASC and United Nations (ECOSOC) activities

Dear friends,

I would like to ask your attention for an interesting upcoming event which will take place at the 2009 ASC meeting in Philadelphia.

As you know, the ASC has special consultative status as a NGO to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). One of the activities related to this is the organization of one or more panels at the annual meeting of the ASC.

This year, in Philadelphia, we will have three panels focusing on pressing research-and policy issues of immediate relevance to the research program of the United Nations Office of Crime and Drugs (UNODC) and other UN agencies involved in issues related to crime and justice.

This year, the panels will take place three days in a row (Wednesday, November 4; Thursday, November 5, and Friday November 6) at the same time of day (9:30am-10:50am), in the same room (Franklin 13).

UN Panel 1: Green Criminology: Continuing the Discussion About a Global ‘Green’ Research Agenda (with Kristiina Kangaspunta, Vincenzo Ruggiero, Nigel South, Daniel Faber, Tim Boekhout van Solinge, and Piers Beirne) – Wednesday November 4

UN Panel 2: New and Emerging Measures of World Crime Trends (with Kristiina Kangaspunta, Gary LaFree, Michael Levi, Kauko Aromaa, and Jan van Dijk) – Thursday November 5

UN Panel 3: How Can Criminology Contribute to Research on Human Rights Violations? (with Kauko Aromaa, Michael Welch, Elmar Weitekampf, Hal Pepinsky and Aaron Fichtelberg).

On a related matter, I also want to draw your attention to the fact that the Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice will take place in Salvador, Brazil from April 12-19 2010. We will coordinate ancillary meetings for ASC members as well as other interested individual experts. More information on this to follow soon.

Meanwhile, if you want to have more information on this or other ASC-UN related matters, please let me know.

Ineke Haen Marshall

Main ASC Representative to ECOSOC (UN)

Sociology & Criminal Justice
Holmes Hall 513
Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-373-4988
Fax: 617-373-2688

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