quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009

Reminder | Victims in Europe - 23rd Annual Conference of Victim Support Europe

The Portuguese Association for Victim is currently organizing the Victims in Europe - 23rd Annual Conference of Victim Support Europe:


Venue: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon - Portugal

Date: 25th and 26th of June

Registration: 80 € until 12th of June - after this date, the registration fee is €100.

The Language: English with simultaneous interpretation to Portuguese in the opening and plenary sessions.

This seminar will be an opportunity to present the framework of existing rights, and debate whether these rights are in fact being implemented in the European Union. It will thus constitute an important opportunity to discuss which rights require further implementation measures, in order to meet the needs of victims of crime.

For more information, please check the following link: http://apav.pt/vine/

(If a spam warning appears when visiting our website, please disregard it and click on “Ignore this warning”. It has no harmful content for your computer. We are sorry for the inconvenience.)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: victimsineurope@apav.pt or +351 21 315 84 73.

Best regards,

Carmen Rasquete

Gestora Projecto Victims in Europe

Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima

Portuguese Association for Victim Support

Rua José Estêvão, 135 A, Piso 1

1150-201 Lisboa Portugal

tel. dir. +351.21.315.84.73

tel. +351 21.358.79.00

fax +351.21.887.63.51

e-mail: victimsineurope@apav.pt

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